Publishing a story, digitally

As I was writing my post on Telling a story, digitally I realized that I would need to do a follow-up on

Publishing a story, digitally…. so here it is.

Once students have created their digital story, they will need to publish it. Here are two great sites that offer a place for publishing that is very educationally friendly.
schooltube SchoolTube is a great place to publish your students’ videos.  You can set up your channel and have student videos uploaded there. For educator’s questions go to, here they address how to set up your channel, as well as filter blocking issues. Video uploads can’t be longer than 10 minutes, so if you have created a video longer than that you will need to break it up into sections. The limit for uploads is 1 Gb each, and they accept the following formats: .3gp .asf .avi .f4v .flv .m4v .mov .mp4 .mpeg .mpg .rm .wmv .xvid. I also like SchoolTube because they verify all moderators of the videos that are uploaded, so you know that content on here is safe for your students. If you are not a moderator, a moderator from the site will check any videos that are uploaded prior to them being available. Also, as with other sites you can share videos through social networks, a url, or embedded code.

vimeoVimeo is another video sharing website that is free and allows educators to have 3 albums, 1 group, 1 channel, 500 mb/week, password protected videos, as well as other features. Basic membership does mean you may be in a queue until it gets processed, so it may take awhile to be published. Notification is sent to you via email when your video is available.  You can also share your videos by embedding them into websites, blogs, or wikis.

These are only two sites where you can easily publish your digital stories, but both work very well.  If you use any others, let us know.

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