Twitter to expand your PLN

I have found that twitter has expanded my PLN enormously. I enjoy the quick tweets that I can scan fast and only select those tweets that I’m interested in looking at. I really think it helps me use my time more wisely. What are your thoughts? To Tweet or not to Tweet…. that is the question…

2 thoughts on “Twitter to expand your PLN

  1. I really love using Twitter for my PLN. I am connected with all kinds of educators interested in the same things I am. It is truly amazing when you tweet a question and you get answers from all over the world. Some of the information I have learned from others has positively affected what I do in my classroom. It may be as small as a cool website or as large as a new way of thinking about teaching.

    1. @Christin, I have you to thank for my personal digital growth- thanks for letting me see the true POWER of twitter. I can honestly say I learn more, think more, and because of that I’m a better educator, trainer, facilitator, and person.
      Thanks for opening my mind to twitter…

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