Evernote, organizes your notes and more

evernoteI’m trying Evernote again, the first time I was exploring I really didn’t get it.  This of course proves what I always say- it isn’t about the tool, but about the purpose. When I didn’t have a purpose, Evernote didn’t mean anything to me so I didn’t see the point of using it.

My task: Keep an ongoing list of my accomplishments and workshops I present and/or attend. (or really any notes you need to make and keep updated often)
Some possible ways of creating this list:

  • Write them in a notebook that you carry around with you (yes this still does work… but I have found the organizational part to be lacking, oh yeah and I lost my last notebook)
  • Create a Word or Excel document (only works if you are editing it from one location)
  • Create a Word or Excel document and upload it to dropbox: This allows for syncing between work and  home computers, but when the list gets too long organization needs to be addressed. Of course you could create an outline with different topics or have them in different workbooks. Also, dropbox works really well if you can download the desktop application that allows instant syncing but if you aren’t given download rights on your work computer you will need to access the documents through the web, download/edit and then remember to upload the new version before you go back home.
  • Create documents in google docs: allows for editing anywhere there is an Internet connection, also has sharing and mobile apps. (I still use this for notes that I need to keep updated on various projects I’m doing, I use it mostly for collecting information in one place that I can access from anywhere.)
  • Create the notes in Evernote: Can access from any Internet connection, can download desktop version for more features (which syncs to Internet), has mobile app, and the best part… can easily search notes for tags or words that appear.

So, I’m trying Evernote for my lists. I’ve moved my current lists to Evernote, downloaded the mobile app and desktop application. I prefer working on the desktop application, it is cleaner and offers spell check for my notes. I also like the split screen where I can see a list of my notes on top and then work within a selected note on the bottom.  From either the desktop or web version you can easily create, tag, edit, print, email, share, or search your notes. When you print notes it creates a nice heading on the top which includes the title, author, and date of last edit.

The mobile app (for Blackberry) allows me to upload notes, pictures, files, and audio recordings right to my account.

Note: I don’t see a way to import or export into Evernote (except copying and pasting), so if you want that feature I suggest you stay with Google docs. It looks like this would be possible with the premium Evernote. For $45/year you can get many more features, including more space, ability to search pdfs, as well as adding any file across platforms and devices.

Of course that is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. When you check out the ‘trunk’ you will find tons of other apps that can be downloaded like the webclipper that allows you to copy and ‘clip’ content from your web browser directly into an evernote.  Very cool.  It looks like my exploring of this tool has just begun.

Cybraryman’s Evernote page As usual cybraryman shares some great resources on evernote

100 Different Evernote uses Great resource for ideas

Evernote will organize your life! Good examples of using it in the classroom, as well as resources for some of the features.

6 ways to add information to evernote

4 thoughts on “Evernote, organizes your notes and more

  1. I love Evernote! I’ve been using it for a while now and love the fact that I can access it from anywhere, have an app on my Palm Pre+, and use the desktop app at home as a backup (and export the data once a week).

    I still use Google Docs and Dropbox for the rest of the stuff.

    Evernote is an awesome tool for educators and students. Here is an article I wrote about Evernote for education.

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