2010 Wishes

My wishes for the New Year…

As I continue to reflect on my experiences with technology integration and explore new possibilities with web 2.0 apps, I often think about what I wish the world of education would look like…

Here are my wishes for 2010

Wish #1: A truly more open educational experience… for all

I’m currently reading The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education, by Curtis J. Bonk. The more I read about ways elearning is taking off, and the more I explore the opportunities on the web I have to think: why are we limiting our students’ experiences on the web? And why are we paying for specialized software when there is so much available for free? We talk a lot about giving our students 21st century skills and skills that can make them successful as life-long learners.  My solution:  ALL students should be exposed to collaboration and communication tools starting in elementary schools and continuing through high school. Every student should leave high school with experience using Google apps (including docs, reader, calendar, alerts…), wikis, blogs, social bookmarking, mindmapping tools, and other specific tools related to their talents and life goals.  These experiences should be with tools that are readily available to them in school, and when they leave. We complain because students don’t have  ‘web etiquette’ , yet we haven’t given them enough positive, productive experiences using the Internet.

In order to achieve this openness we need to have instructional and IT leaders sitting on the same table and discussing the learning needs of the district. When this occurs great things can happen and great learning can be accomplished. At our district we have made great strides toward this openness, in the last year or two more websites have been unblocked, based on educational needs.  We still have more progress to make, but I feel fortunate that we are moving in the right direction. Unfortunately I hear all the time from my PLN about sites like glogster, skype, and others being blocked. The world needs to be opened in more schools… and that is my #1 wish for 2010.

Wish #2: Every educator taking one step forward towards technology integration

I am realistic, I realize that teachers are in all different phases of their careers and abilities. If we acknowledge that teachers go through stages towards true integration then my wish would be that every teacher moves at least one step closer.

The Eastern Townships School Board (Magog, QC) has identified stages in order to encourage teachers towards technology integration. They include the stages below.


Ideally we would hope for all educators to be proficient, but again I’m a realist. My wish is that we can get all teachers at, or past, the ’emergent’ stage, realizing the potential of technology. With open minds we can then provide them with the needed professional development and support to move up further. With the teachers at the ‘proficient’ level we can offer them support on creating a more student centered, project based classroom environment. Once they see the potential of that, becoming ‘exemplary’ with tech integration is an easy step forward. If every teacher moves at least one step closer to being proficient with technology integration, I will be a very happy person.

Wish #3: Educators seeing the importance of having a positive digital footprint

It is so easy to build a positive digital footprint and so important.  It is also extremely important for everyone, including educators to monitor their digital footprint. Gone are the days when we can ignore the web for its potential, nor can we instruct our employees simply ‘not to be on the web’. Our digital footprint is a fact of life, it exists… so let’s build it to reflect how we want it to look.

Here is my blog post: Yes you should have a digital footprint… where I discuss digital footprints and how to monitor your presence.
Here is also a great video on digital footprint… Your new first impressions…

These are my three wishes for 2010 and for the future of education. What are yours?

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